EN3800B Envada Vietnam,Power Supply
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: Envada
Danh mục: Thiết bị tự động hóa
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Vietnam
Xuất sứ:
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automotive
Đại lý Envada Vietnam,EN3800B Envada Vietnam,Power Supply,Envada Vietnam,EN3800B Envada ,Envada Vietnam,Power Supply,EN3800B Power Supply : 220VAC
Đại lý Envada Vietnam,EN3800B Envada Vietnam,Power Supply,Envada Vietnam
EN3800B Power Supply : 220VAC
1.EN3800 Multi-channel Online Vibration Monitoring & Protection System
Màn hình đo độ rung độ đảo ( Thiết bị giám sát độ rung đảo): EN3800B ( Loại 4, 8 , 12 và 16 Kênh)
Cảm biến độ rung dọc và cảm biến độ rung ngang : Vibration Sensor : EN090-V và EN 090- H
Cảm biến độvđảo: IN081 & IN081-3-075-50-01
(Dùng cho hệ thống tuabin máy phát và giám sát điều khiển nhà máy thủy điện)
2. EN880C Series Paperless Recorder(EN880 Enhanced)
3. EN4000A-P Small-sized Paperless Recorder(OLED Display)
EN4000A-L Heat Energy Totalize Recorder(OLED Display)
4.EN4000B Series Color Paperless Recorder(Small Screen
5.EN6000B1 Series Single Loop Digital Controller
EN6000B2 OLED Display Single Loop Digital Controller
EN6000B3-1 Single Channel LED Display Meter
EN6000B3-2 Single Channel LED Display Meter
EN6000B3-3 Dual-channel LED display meter with calculation function
EN6000B4-1 Current output manual operated instrument
EN6000B4-2 current output manual & standby operated instrument
EN6000B4-3 positive-negative rotating control manual operated instrument
EN6000B4-4 positive-negative rotating control manual & standby operated instrument
EN6000B5 Series Cumulative Flow and Heat Energy
EN6000B6 Series Multichannel Measuring Instrument
EN6000B7 Series Given Controller
EN6000B8, EN6000B9, EN6000B10.
6. EN1000C Series Signal Isolator/Isolating Safety Gate
EN1000D Series Signal Isolator/Isolating Safety Gate
7. EN9000 Rotating Machinery Vibration Monitoring& Protection System
8. EN8000 Vibration Monitoring Analysis& Fault Diagnosis Expert System
9. EN2000A1 Vibration Protection Instrument
EN2000A2 Shaft Shift/ Expansion Difference Protection Instrument
EN2000A3/A3R Speed/Reversion Monitoring& Protection Instrument
EN2000A4 Vibration Transducer & Protection Instrument
EN2000A5, EN2000A6, EN2000A7, EN2000A8, EN2000A9, EN2000A10, EN 2000E11
10.EN3000A Portable Vibration Analysis Instrument
11.EN900 Portable Vibration Monitoring Instrument
100% China
Model : EN3800B
100% Germany Origin |
PFEIFFER Chemie-Armaturenbau/Samson Vietnam |
Type BR01b
100% China
Model : EN3800B
100% UK Origin |
Ametek Vietnam |
Model: U1 600/1600C V TO
100% Japan
Model : FLXA202-D-D-D-AB-P1-NN-A-N-LA-N-NN/UM/H8/SCT/CD4
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/22-01-01-02
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/40-01-02
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/05-01-02-00-00-01
100% USA/China Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/15-05-05-00
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/40-02-00 Proximity Sensing
100% USA |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/42-02-00
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/45-02-00
100% USA Origin |
Bently Nevada Vietnam |
Model: 3500/22-01-01-00
100% Philippines/EU Origin |
MOOG Vietnam |
Code: G761-3039B
100% China
Model : YE3-100L2-4W + JTO-3-480
100% Germany Origin |
Wittenstein Vietnam |
Model: TP 050S-MF1-10-0K0
100% EU Origin |
E+H Vietnam |
100% USA Origin |
AGR Vietnam |
Code: C510
100% USA Origin |
AGR Vietnam |
Code: 6510105
100% EU
Schenck Process Vietnam |
100% UK Origin |
Shaw Vietnam |
Model: SDHmini-Ex-G-6-UK
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