Dewpoint Transmitter Series XDT Cosa Xentaur Vietnam
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: Cosa Xentaur Vietnam
Danh mục: Thiết bị tự động hóa
Nhà cung cấp: ANS VIỆT NAM
Xuất sứ: 100% USA Origin
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automotive
Đại lý Cosa Xentaur Vietnam,Dewpoint Transmitter Series XDT Cosa Xentaur Vietnam
• Monitoring and control of air dryers
• Plastic dryers
• Welding gases
• Laser gases
• Petrochemical feedstock gases
• Natural gas processing, transportation and distribution
• Clean rooms
• Transformer and switch gear insulation gases
• Glove boxes
• Cryogenic gases
• Heat treating furnaces
• Industrial specialty gases
The Xentaur digital dewpoint transmitters are designed as compact, simple and reliable instruments, which will continually monitor air dryer performance, compressed air quality and dry gas moisture, from ambient dewpoint levels to as low as -100°C (-148°C).
Xentaur dewpoint transmitters are used wherever the dewpoint in a gas is critical. Applications include: monitoring and control of air dryers, plastic dryers, welding and laser gases, petrochemical feedstock gases, natural gas, clean rooms, glove boxes, transformer and switch gear insulation gases, cryogenic gases, heat treating furnaces, industrial specialty gases and many more.
The transmitter electronics take full advantage of state of the art microprocessor technology and offer many advanced intelligent features. With optional dual alarms, analog and digital outputs, the Xentaur dewpoint transmitters can be used as indicators, alarm units or controllers.
The two optional alarm relays can be independently programmed to switch at any dewpoint with variable hysteresis, which makes the transmitter ideally suited as an energy saving controller for desiccant dryers in “dewpoint demand” mode or safety cutoff in process control, high power laser, etc. The status of the relays is shown on the display with flashing HI or LO indicators while displaying the dewpoint.
Analog and digital outputs are isolated from the sensor. The analog current or voltage output can be programmed to span the full or a portion of the range and is linear to the selected engineering units. The RS-232 interfaces into the serial port of any PC or Mac, for a simple operation with any standard communications program.
The instrument is operated through a menu driven user interface consisting of a custom LCD display with backlight, and four push buttons.
The user can select from the following engineering units. Dewpoint in °C or °F, ppmv, g H2 O/m3, lbs H2 O/ million scf.
Results are displayed at sensor pressure or by pushing the Pressure Correct key at a user selectable alternate pressure, such as the line pressure.
This field calibration procedure is fully automated and the user is prompted through a simple one minute procedure, which requires no additional equipment.
The instrument has indication for sensor open, short or electronic system failure, which can activate any of the alarm relays.
Certificates for NIST and NPL traceability are available upon request. Instruments can be recertified periodically at Xentaur’s laboratories.
The Xentaur HTF™ Aluminum Oxide sensor is the product of years of intensive research and has been thoroughly field proven. Xentaur HTF™ technology offers significant performance advantages over all other aluminum oxide moisture sensors. HIGH CAPACITANCE RESPONSE Due to a hyper-thin film and a special pore geometry, Xentaur sensors have a capacitance change over their full range, several orders of magnitude larger than that of conventional aluminum oxide sensors. Additionally, this change is quasi linear and its sensitivity to temperature is negligible. The advantages of a linear high capacitance response are: better sensitivity, better repeatability and faster response times. Also, the measurement system is less prone to noise and drift, and signal conditioning is kept to a minimum. INTERCHANGEABLE SENSORS HTF™ Al2 O3 high capacitance sensors are manufactured with high uniformity. Consequently, sensors are freely interchangeable without factory calibration or changing of EPROMS, as is required with conventional aluminum oxide sensors. SPANCHECK WITHOUT REFERENCE STANDARDS Xentaur HTF™ high capacitance sensors have a very low residual capacitance when dry, and saturate at a predesigned level of humidity above +20°C (+68°F). This allows a span check of the sensor by cupping the sensor in the palm of one’s hand for one minute, and adjusting the instrument to its upper range limit. The advantages of this span check system are obvious: Xentaur sensors can be field calibrated anywhere, anytime without using expensive and cumbersome calibration standards. Sensors do not have to be returned to the factory for recalibration, which also eliminates the need for a second stand-by sensor. ADVANCED MECHANICAL SENSOR DESIGN Xentaur HTF™ sensors have been designed for the requirements of tough industrial environments. The sensor element is encapsulated in a 100 micron stainless steel sintered filter. The filter housing is screwed onto a stainless steel sensor fitting which is available for pressures of up to 340 bar (5000 psi) (FM tested). When sensor elements have to be replaced the sensor fitting can be saved. The sensor fitting has two mounting threads, which make it easy to use existing sample cells. The cable is connected through a BNC connector.
100% USAOrigin |
Cosa Xentaur Vietnam |
Part Nol: XDT.04.B.0000
100% USAOrigin |
Cosa Xentaur Vietnam |
Part Nol: SE0.11.A.0000
100% USAOrigin |
Cosa Xentaur Vietnam |
Part Nol: SE0.50.A.0000
100% USAOrigin |
Cosa Xentaur Vietnam |
Part Nol: LD0.00.A.0100 |
100% USA Origin |
Cosa+Xentaur Vietnam |
Item No: LD0.00.A.0100 |
100% USA Origin |
COSA Xentaur Vietnam |
Code: XDT.03.A.3011 |
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