Cảm biến độ ẩm IR-3000W MOISTTECH
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: MOISTTECH
Danh mục: Thiết bị tự động hóa
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Vietnam
Xuất sứ:
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automotive
MOISTTECH Vietnam,Cảm biến độ ẩm IR-3000W MOISTTECH
IR3000 On-Line Sensor 
MoistTech is recognized as the global leader in the moisture measurement and control industry. Utilizing state of the art NIR (Near Infrared) technology allows the user to achieve the highest quality product from accurate, real time data. The IR3000 series are the flagship sensors providing an on-line moisture analysis for instant, non-contact measurement of virtually any product and raw material. Unsurpassed in performance, stability, reliability, maintainability and cost of ownership, the IR-3000 is the answer to controlling moisture in your product and increasing efficiency in your manufacturing line.
The IR-3000 is strategically designed to ignore material height or color changes while providing a continuous, reliable reading that calculates thousands of measurements per second.
There is a one-time calibration done in the factory based off your exact application, a virtually maintenance free setup allows for ease of use and a drift free optical design provides operating personnel with confidence make immediate process adjustments based on real-time measurements.
Real time process control can provide a manufacturer with the ability to make immediate changes without stopping the production line, and provides both energy savings and a potential for increased productivity with lower material losses.
The IR-3000 uses the most advanced components allowing installation in multiple locations locations and is equipped with product loss software capability where small gaps, inert material, foreign objects, belt or screw conveyors are removed from the measurement calculation, thus providing the most accurate true moisture reading.
Vị trí lắp đặt IR-3000
Tùy thuộc vào ứng dụng của bạn, IR-3000 có thể được đặt trong nhiều khu vực của quy trình.
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Truyền thông IR-3000
Giao tiếp với đầu cảm biến có thể được thực hiện thông qua:
Máy tính xách tay
Giao diện điều hành màn hình cảm ứng dựa trên PC
Plant Wide Network bằng RS232 / 422/485
Ethernet TCP / IP
I / O hiện tại bao gồm 3 x đầu ra tương tự 4-20mA cách ly, tự cấp nguồn
IR-3000 Applications
MoistTech has the worldwide reputation for its exceptionally accurate NIR (near infrared) sensors and software for moisture testing, measurement and control. The IR-3000 online moisture detector and software can be configured and calibrated for numerous components in virtually any application to provide the manufacturer with the most accurate and repeatable results.
Thousands of MoistTech analyzers are installed not only for the measurement of moisture, but also for other applications such as measuring and controlling: coating thickness, resin content, oil, protein, fat, nicotine, sugar, seasonings, plastic film thickness and many other constituents.
The online moisture transmitter can be in a stand alone or multi-sensor configuration.
Animal Food
Coating & Converting
Forest Products
Minerals & Bulk Materials
Renewable Energy
Snack Food
and Mor
100% US/EU Origin |
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