CA6 Contactors
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: sprecherschuh
Danh mục: Điều khiển chuyển động
Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Son
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Bảo hành: 12
Sprecher + Schuh's CA6 contactor line combines the simple function of the popular CA7 series with the rugged performance demanded in this middle horsepower range. On average these contactors are 50% smaller than traditional contactors in this size class. CA6 contactors range from 75 to 700 HP (@ 575V). Offering includes reversing applications, switching heaters or transformers and including elevator duty, and NEMA Sized ratings. Various features include electronic coils and electronic interface with rugged performance of 1 million operations or more.