Bộ hiển thị Digital indicator COP90 BCS Italy Vietnam - ANS Vietnam
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: BCS Italy VietNam
Danh mục: Thiết bị trong dây chuyền sản xuất
Nhà cung cấp: Anh Nghi Son Vietnam
Xuất sứ:
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automotive, Power - Plant, Transpotation
Bộ hiển thị Digital indicator COP90 BCS Italy Vietnam - ANS Vietnam | BCS Italy Vietnam | Đại lý BCS Italy Vietnam
The BCS microprocessor-based COP90 board is a modular apparatus, specifically designed for the load monitoring on cranes.
Up to six independent input channels are available, each one with a power supply unit (10 V DC, 120 mA), amplifier and A/D converter of signal of connected transducer (e.g. load or pressure cells, inclinometers, rope length meters).
The analog-to-digital conversion of the input signal is effected by a dual-slope A/D converter; the instrument is a ratio meter, using the transducer supply voltage as reference voltage, so compensating any error due to voltage drops along the connecting cable, which makes the instrument suitable also for electronic weighing applications, besides the basic overload protection.
The input channels are connected to the motherboard via data bus; they are continuously scanned by an 8-bit CHMOS microprocessor (different chips are used, depending on system configuration), programmed with a suitable software.
Up to 15 SPST output relays are available for alarms and/or commands (16 more with expansion board); a further alarm (fail-safe) is dedicated to detection of apparatus or transducers failure, monitored by means of diagnostic devices.
Up to 8 external commands (e.g., for tare suppression or hoist selection) can be received, via optocoupled inputs.
Analog and/or digital outputs are available, for interfacing with external devices, such as remote repeaters, analog indicators, printers, computers, PLCs, data acquisition systems, and so on.
The measured and processed values are displayed through two 7 segments LED displays, plus a 20 dots bar-graph.
Commands and parameter settings are performed through the front waterproof polycarbonate keyboard, with 16 numeric and function keys.
The compactness of this apparatus allows the installation in a 19" 3 HE standard rack mounting, or in small metal cabinets.
The typical application fields of COP90 board are:
- Overload protection and weighing systems for portainer and transtainer cranes, with monitoring of l oad
- Overload protection and weighing systems for jib cranes with multiple hoist, with monitoring of radius and
computation of maximum admissible load
The operational flexibility due to the modular concept allows the application of this apparatus also for other purposes, such as multi-point batching, or weighing of structures, with detection of the center of gravity coordinates.
Power supply unit: stabilized, 10 V DC, 120 mA; each channel can energize up to 4 x 350 W load cells, parallel connected
Range span: as required, minimum 5 mV, maximum 5 V DC
Resolution: 4000 internal divisions, reading resolution 2000 divisions, multiplying coefficient: 1, 2, 5
Accuracy: ± (0,05% of reading + 1 bit)
Sensitivity: 2,5 µV / LSD
Reading rate: 12 readings/second
Input impedance: greater than 100 MÛ
Common mode rejection: 90 db
Temperature effect: on zero: 6 ppm/°C; on span: 12 ppm/°C
Zero and calibration: through trimmers
Display: 2 displays, 6 digits, LED 7 segments, 14 mms high, red; bar-graph, 20 divisions ±10% or 0÷100%)
Parameter setup: through waterproof polycarbonate keyboard, with 16 numeric and function keys
Alarms: up to 15 (16 more available with expansion board), for maximum or minimum load, with SPST output relay (2 A capacity at 110/220 V AC); alarm values and time delay settable through keyboard
Fail Safe device: SPST output relay, 2 A, activated in case of:
* transducer measuring bridge failure
* connecting cable interruption
* A/D converter failure
* microprocessor failure
Digital input: 8 optocoupled inputs
Serial output: RS232C or RS422 or RS485 or 0-20 mA Current Loop
Analog output: isolated output, 0÷10 V, or 0÷20 mA, or 4÷20 mA (maximum load 1000 W); non-isolated output, 0÷10 V
Room temperature: operating 0 ÷ 40 °C; storage -10 ÷ 65 °C
Relative humidity: max. 80%
Line voltage: 115 or 230 Volt ±10% (to be specified), 50/60 cycle consumption: 25 VA max