Bộ điều khiển chỉ thị khí nén KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7 AZBIL
Giá bán: Liên hệ
Hãng sản xuất: AZBIL Vietnam
Danh mục: Controller- bộ điều khiển
Nhà cung cấp: ANS Vietnam
Xuất sứ:
Ứng dụng sản phẩm: Automotive
AZBIL Vietnam,Bộ điều khiển chỉ thị khí nén KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7 AZBIL
Field mounted indicating controllers
Bộ điều khiển chỉ thị được gắn tại hiện trường bao gồm hai bộ phận chính được tìm thấy trong tất cả các kiểu máy. Đây là đơn vị đo lường biến quá trình và đơn vị bộ điều khiển chỉ thị. Bộ điều khiển đo và điều chỉnh các biến số cơ bản của quá trình cho nhiệt độ, áp suất, tốc độ dòng chảy, mức chất lỏng và cũng có thể xử lý các tín hiệu áp suất khí nén.
Toàn bộ dòng sản phẩm có thiết kế chức năng tuyệt vời với sự cân nhắc về chi phí và khả năng hoạt động. Có sẵn một danh sách đầy đủ các bộ điều khiển chỉ thị, bộ phát tín hiệu và bộ điều khiển truyền tín hiệu để triển khai thiết bị đo hiệu quả về chi phí đáp ứng nhiều yêu cầu chức năng khác nhau.
Độ tin cậy cao
Chúng tôi thiết kế loạt sản phẩm này để vận hành dễ dàng và nâng cao độ tin cậy. Đường ống khí nén điều áp được thay thế bằng bảng mạch khí nén để đảm bảo độ tin cậy về chức năng, ống thổi đôi được sử dụng để ổn định lâu dài và vỏ kim loại giúp thiết bị có khả năng chịu nhiệt, nước và thời tiết.
Đặc điểm rung động tuyệt vời
<Đo áp suất>
Tất cả các phần tử xoắn ốc được trang bị một trọng lượng cân bằng để ngăn chặn dao động của chỉ báo PV. Kết cấu cũng ngăn ngừa sự lệch tâm trong trục trung tâm bằng cách xác định góc dịch chuyển từ tâm phần tử.
<Đo nhiệt độ>
Một phần tử nhận áp suất kiểu ống thổi được sử dụng và mô-men xoắn đủ lớn để thắng lực dao động sẽ thu được để loại bỏ dao động chỉ báo PV.
Các biện pháp đối phó chống lại xung quá trình
Các phần tử xoắn ốc có tính năng giảm chấn giúp chúng chống lại xung động của quá trình được sử dụng. Vì không bị thắt nên không cần lo lắng về khả năng bị tắc.
Tính kinh tế đạt được nhờ tiêu chuẩn hóa các bộ phận
Do việc sử dụng cùng một phần tử đo được sử dụng trong các máy phát khí nén hiện có của chúng tôi, việc sử dụng hiệu quả các bộ phận được tiêu chuẩn hóa và sử dụng các tùy chọn có thể được thêm hoặc xóa tự do, số lượng các bộ phận phải được lưu trữ để bảo trì đã giảm đáng kể cắt giảm và tính kinh tế, khả năng bảo trì và khả năng hoạt động đã được tăng cường đáng kể.
100% Japan Origin |
AZBIL Vietnam |
Model: KFKB12-7478490500B3T-KM7
Products |
Brand |
J-DMS03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SFA20 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SFR10 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-STH61 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SSD60, J-SSD65 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SOV60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SMS60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SPM60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-STH60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SIP60, J-SIP65 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SSP60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SFV90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SCM92, J-SCM97 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SAZ90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SMV90, J-SMV95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SMS90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SPT90, J-SPT95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SRV90, J-SRV95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SCM90, J-SCM95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-STC90, J-STC95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SCP92, J-SCP97 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SFP90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SAP90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SMP90, J-SMP95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SSP90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SVP90, J-SVP95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SRP90, J-SRP95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SCP90, J-SCP95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-STP90, J-STP95 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-SLD90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
R412 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX15D, GTX30D, GTX40D, GTX31D, GTX41D, GTX71D, GTX32D, GTX42D, GTX72D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX30A, GTX60A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX30S, GTX60S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX35F, GTX60F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX35R, GTX40R |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX35U, GTX60U, GTX71U, GTX82U |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX60G, GTX71G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX60G, GTX71G, GTX82G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-APN11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
J-APN20 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP11, KDP22 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP33 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP44 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP61, KDP62 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP71, KDP72 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP81, KDP82 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP11, KKP12, KKP13, KKP14 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP15, KKP16, KKP17, KKP18 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP25, KKP26, KKP27, KKP28 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP71, KKP72, KKP73, KKP74, KKP75, KKP76 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX111, 118 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX112 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX113 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX121, KUX128 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX122, KUX127 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX60G, KUX70G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NWA300 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PCA13 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PCM13 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PTG60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PTG70 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SI |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTD720A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCB10A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCS100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG10C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG11, MGG12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG14C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG17 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG18, MGG19, MGG11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG18D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGR11A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGR13C (Converter)/MGR11U (Detector) |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGS28U |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MTG15A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MTG18A, MTG14C, MTG18B |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC10A, MVC10F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC30, MVC31A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC32, MVC33A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NNK150, NNK951 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NZ11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RC111 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDR11F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VRX10A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL220, JTL221, JTL222, JTL230, JTL231, JTL232 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SLX110, SLX120 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
ATT082 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
ATT085 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CVM400 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HGC303 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CFS100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AC2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP100, AVP102 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP200, AVP201, AVP202 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP300, AVP301, AVP302 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP701, AVP702 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP703 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP77*, AVP78*, AVP79* |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
D1M |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
D1S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
D1V |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
DAP560, 1000, 1500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
ECM3000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HA2 to 4 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP15, HEP16, HEP17 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP18, HEP19, HEP28, HEP29 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP25, HEP26 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
IL100, IL201, IL211 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KZ03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
LX7000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PSA1 to 4 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PSA6, PSA7 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PU21 Series |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PU23 Series |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SVX100, SVX102 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VA5 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VCX7000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VF02, 03, 04 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPE04, VPE05 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPP02, VPP03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPP08 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPR02, VPR03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
ARF100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
ARF200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-CB1, NX-CL1, NX-CR1, NX-TL1, NX-TR1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-D15, NX-D25, NX-D35 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DX1, NX-DX2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DY1, NX-DY2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-S11, NX-S12, NX-S21 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC25, SDC26 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC35, SDC36 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC45A, SDC46A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC45V, SDC46V |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SR100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SR200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD100, AUD110 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD300C1000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUR300C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
BC-R25 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
BC-R35 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GV-A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SES70 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX15D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX30D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX41D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX71D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX31D |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX35F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX60F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX35R |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
GTX40R |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PTG60 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PTG71 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PTG72 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SP5 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP61 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP62 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP71 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP72 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP25 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP71 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP81 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP16 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP26 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP72 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KDP82 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP13 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP17 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP27 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP73 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP14 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP18 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP28 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP74 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP75 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KKP76 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX121 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX122 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX60G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX111 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX128 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX127 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX70G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
KUX118 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG18 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG19 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC10A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC10F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS9500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0010 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0080 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CML, CMF050 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMG152 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMG252 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMG402 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMG502 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0002 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0050 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0150 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0005 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0151 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0020 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS0500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0250 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS1000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0400 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
CMS2000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MCF0500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MPC9500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV9005 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MPC0002 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV9020 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MPC0005 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV9200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MPC0020 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV9500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0002 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0005 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0020 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0050 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MQV0500 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2300 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2211 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2222 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2223 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AX2311 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC30 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC31A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC32 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MVC33A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG14C(for HART Communicator) |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG10C-M |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGF11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGS11U |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG10C-P/R |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG10C-S/T |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGG14C-S/T |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MTG18A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MTG14C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MTG18B |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NNK140 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NNK941 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NNK150 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NNK951 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGR13C (Converter) |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
MGR11U (Detector) |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SLX110 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SLX120 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL220 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL221 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL222 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL230 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL231 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
JTL232 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HTY7843 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP200 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP300 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP701 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SVX100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP77* |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP102 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP201 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP301 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP702 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP202 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP302 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SVX102 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP78* |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AVP79* |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP18 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP25 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PSA6 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPE04 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPP02 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPR02 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP16 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP19 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP26 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP17 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP28 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HEP29 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PSA7 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPE05 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPP03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VPR03 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PGM10N |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PGM10F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PU21 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC25 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC35 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC45A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC45V |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC26 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC36 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC46A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SDC46V |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-CB1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-D15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DX1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DY1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-S11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-CL1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-D25 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DX2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-DY2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-S12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-CR1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-D35 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-S21 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-TL1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
NX-TR1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-R40 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-L80 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-L |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-R20 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-L90 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
RX-R |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD110 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD120 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD15 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AUD10C1000 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
K1G |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HP7 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HP100 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
1LS |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HP300 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HP350 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HP800 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7M-C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
SL1 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
H1L-B51-C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
H1L-B53-C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
H1L-S52-C |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPX-AG08_S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPX-AG13-_S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D11 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D13 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D21 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D23 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-T1-017 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D12 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
HPQ-D22 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7M |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7M-A |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7M |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL7_N_M |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL2F |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL2R_S |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL2R_V |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
FL2 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
VCL-5***-**Series |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
LS, 14CE |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
LJA10-11A21N |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
5LX7***- **-*** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
5LX7***-J ** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
1LX-7***-***-*** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
1LX7***-A1** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
5LX7***-A1** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
LJA10-57A21N |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
5LX7***-R ** |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PA7 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
PA5 |
AZBIL Vietnam, Azbil Corporation Vietnam, AZBIL |
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Sale ANS Vietnam:
Trực tiếp Zalo: 0911472255
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