Model: SV6300
The Metrix SV6300 Piezo-Velocity Sensor is similar to our SA6200A accelerometer, but provides a velocity rather than acceleration output.  The solid-state design has no moving parts to wear out and may be mounted in any axis, unlike many moving-coil devices.  It is also less sensitive to the cross-axis vibration that can be especially damaging to moving-coil devices.

A built-in amplifier provides a 100mV/in/sec, low-impedance, constant-current output that is compatible with vibration monitoring systems, electronic switches, and 4-20mA signal conditioners.


The sensor consists of a temperature-stabilized piezo-electric core, amplifier, and integrator, packaged together in a stainless steel case that is electrically isolated from the sensing circuit. A choice of mounting studs is available.  Consult the product datasheet for available hazardous area approvals.


Product Aprox. Weight: 91 g (3.2 oz)